It is the season for new resolutions, firecrackers and wishes. A brand new episode of our life is starting. It is astonishing to see that the year 2010 has already become a year in history and 2011 is the promising year ahead. Life moves on at a thundering speed. The dawn of the 2010 was like yesterday. Many things happened since then.
Making a year worthwhile is all in our hands. Think about the year you just passed. Was that a happening year for you? Did you do anything sensible? On the other hand, did you just eat, drink, and sleep? Life is short. We hardly have time to think. With the busy lifestyle we have today, time wasted is gone forever. We will fret for the lost time one day.
Making New Year resolutions is one of the fool-proof methods to avoid this. It has become a habit for many. What matters most is keeping the resolution. A New Year is a new beginning, a great opportunity to initiate good things in life. Today we are going to guide you how to make some worthwhile resolutions. Make a change in your life today, and most importantly keep it up.
Making resolutions at the end of a party on New Year’s Eve is very common nowadays. If the person is a smoker, most probably ‘I will stop smoking’ will top his list. A person who has an unhealthy lifestyle will resolute to exercise a lot more, stop eating junk and eat healthy. All these seem to be very good. However, weaknesses in these are they are not specific.
When you are planning to do something, you should have a clear idea of how to do it. As an example, let us consider the resolution to stop smoking. It is not practical to get rid of an addiction overnight. Even if the person determinately tries that, it will not last longer.
Overcoming an addiction should be done in a systematic process. Else, he will deprive himself for some time and will get back to his usual routines, back to his comfort zone. We all like to live in our comfort zones, which most of the times have many bad habits. Therefore, getting out of that needs some serious thinking.
In addition, a resolution such a exercising lot more needs to be specific. The amount of exercise needed should be compared with the present level. Then by setting a goal, we know exactly where we should go. It can be walking few kilometres, or workout in a gym for an hour.
As the common belief, keeping resolutions or attempting for a change is not hard unless we have realistic plans to back up them. The easy way to do this is, make sure your resolutions are SMART. So, what do we mean by smart? Let us have a closer look.
S- Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Relevant T-time
Specific - Always make sure, you know what you are doing. Be specific in what you need to change. Many resolutions fail, because they are not specific enough. Know what you want, and plan the resolution that way. Having a clear view of what you want is getting the first fifty percent of the process right. Write on a piece of paper exactly what you want to achieve and tell a friend too, who will motivate you to achieve that.
Measurable - It is important that what you gain from your resolution is measurable. Refrain from having one ultimate goal. Have a few smaller goals in between. That way you can easily see achieving those ones, and will be always motivated.
Attainable - Avoid setting overly ambitious resolutions. You can resolute to lose 5kg from your weight and look good. However, if your resolution is to be the next Miss world, it is not easily attainable. Then the chances of not keeping your resolution are high. Always make sure your New Year resolutions are attainable.
Relevant - If your New Year resolution goes hand in hand with your daily lifestyle, you are more likely to keep it up. Whatever your resolutions are, those must get along with your daily chores as well. Therefore, going out of the daily routine and doing something extra ordinary is less likely to happen. Choose what you really want. Choose something that will uplift your current lifestyle.
Time - Your resolution should have a clear time period, in other words a completion date. It can be by next year, or within first six months or whatever the time you want. The time factor is very important in the resolution.
New Year resolutions are a great way to achieve something you tried hard, but failed during the past year. It helps to change your life. Nevertheless, do not forget to be smart when you are planning your resolutions.